Pathogens are an important driving force for the rapid spread of symbionts in an insect host

发布时间:2023-08-11 21:23浏览次数: 来源:植保所

Pathogens are an important driving force for the rapid spread of symbionts in an insect host

Dongxiao Zhao, Zhichun Zhang, Hongtao Niu, Huifang Guo*.


Abstract: One of the biggest challenges for pathogens invading hosts is microbial symbionts, but the role of pathogens in symbionts in nature is unknown. By tracking the dynamics of the entomopathogenic fungal Cordyceps javanica and symbionts in natural populations of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci from 2016 to 2021 across China, we reveal that Rickettsia, a newly invaded symbiont, is positively correlated with the pathogen in both frequency and density. We confirm that applying pathogen pressure can selectively drive Rickettsia to sudden fixation in whiteflies both in the laboratory and in the field. Furthermore, the driving force is elucidated by the Rickettsia-conferred suppression of pathogen infection quantity, proliferation and sporulation, acting as a potential barrier of onward transmission of the pathogen. These results show that pathogens are an important driving force for rapid shifts in host symbionts in the natural niche.




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