- Research advances in the identification of regulatory mechanisms of surfactin production by Bacillus: a review 2024-09-02
- Transcriptome and differential expression analysis revealed the pathogenic-related genes in Magnaporthe oryzae during lea... 2024-09-02
- A Rapid, Equipment-Free Method for Detecting Avirulence Genes of Pyricularia oryzae Using a Lateral Flow Strip-Based RPA ... 2024-09-02
- UvVelC is important for conidiation and pathogenicity in the rice false smut pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens 2024-09-02
- The Ras GTPase-activating protein UvGap1 orchestrates conidiogenesis and pathogenesis in the rice false smut fungus Ustil... 2024-09-02
- A novel Pik allele confers extended resistance to rice blast 2024-09-02
- Efficacy of cyclobutrifluram in controlling Fusarium crown rot of wheat and resistance risk of three Fusariumspecies to c... 2024-06-15
- The critical roles of the Zn2Cys6transcription factor Fp487 in the development and virulence of Fusarium pseudograminearu... 2024-06-15
- Genome analyses reveal the secondary metabolites potentially influence the geographical distribution of Fusarium pseudogr... 2024-06-15
- Introgression of OsAP47 by marker-assisted selection enhanced resistance against southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus... 2024-03-20
- Investigation and characterization of rice dwarfing epidemic caused by southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus in Jiangs... 2024-03-20
- Development of a transgenic rice line with strong and broad resistance against four devastating rice viruses through expr... 2024-03-20
- Pathogens are an important driving force for the rapid spread of symbionts in an insect host 2023-08-11
- Molecular Hydrogen Confers Resistance to Rice Stripe Virus 2023-02-27
- The microbiome stabilizes circadian rhythms in the gut 2023-02-27